Creating a Sustainable Fishing Tourism as a Tool to Strength the Blue Economy

FIT4BLUE – Fishing Tourism for Blue Economy is a ERASMUS + funded project lead by Petra Patrimonia Corsica in consortium with other partners from Spain (SGS Tecnos and FUNDAMAR), Italy (M.A.R.E. SOC. COOP and Haliéus), Greece (IDEC) that aims to foster entrepreneurship in the field of fisheries & aquaculture as well as to enhance youth participation in the Blue Economy.

The FIT4BLUE objectives are:







E-course for adult trainers/mentors

Training program aimed at trainers and mentors to developing new enterprises in the maritime sector, as well as to support fishers for diversification in their activities and to preserve coastal cultural heritage and “know-how”.

E-course for fishers

Training program for fishers to propose innovative educational paths of entrepreneurship in the Blue Economy based on fishing tourism.

Benchmarking study

Benchmarking study on fishing tourism and aquaculture as a new source of diversification activity.

Fishing Tourism

For the scope of the FIT4BlUE project, we include in “Fishing tourism” all the activities aimed at spreading the value of the knowledge, cultural heritage and products related to job and traditions of professional fishing and aquaculture, as well as valorizing the sites where these activities take place.


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